Saturday, July 23, 2011

Backpacking vs Luxury?

Hey! So I'm going on a trip pretty soon to London and Paris, it's going to be hopefully amazing, I'm planning on traveling in my style which is always to stay at nice hotels and be pampered and have really luxurious amenities and eat at the absolute coolest and best places and really live it up as much as I can, I mean hey, you only have one life to live, and I've always traveled this way, always, I've never really ever done any of the backpacking thing, and honestly the idea repulses me a little, I want to take everything in and be comfortable and feel like I'm at peace, and yet a little part of me wonder's, how is it like to backpack though? Like through europe, i mean for the price of a holiday in luxury places you could backpack through all of Europe, yet wouldn't it be uncomfortable? And I just want to hear some opinions, why and why not to backpack and if you like the idea of staying in more luxurious hotels and being pampered alongside your holiday, or if you prefer getting dirty and staying in hostels? What are some arguments and some like opinions on both, I mean it's not really like you see more or less of somewhere just by how you travel, right? And I always see a lot of backpackers always criticizing people who travel luxuriously for not taking in the culture and real life, who says you don't see the culture and life in a luxury hotel? You still go to the same sights, you still get the same place, you just spend it at different places is really all, so why do backpackers bash us so much? I don't think I would ever backlash backpackers, everyone has their own thing, and obviously if they are so concerned about culture they shouldn't really be criticizing people for where they stay, I'm also sure you can get to stay in culture by having a holiday in a historical luxury hotel with hundreds of years of history, vs a hostel... but I've always just wanted to hear opinions, so please go ahead and tell me where you stand! Luxury, or Backpacking, and why or why not to go a certain route?

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