Saturday, July 23, 2011

My eyesight is starting to blur at far!HELP!?

I'm 15. I'm not the type who wears glasses. Recently, school just started here in our place, and i also started to do school stuffs.I'm already a senior highschool student(Philippines)..And there's so much pressure in studying. I'm taking up an important college entrance exam. last summer, i totally didn't study, i just played around the house,surfing the net until it's late at night...ugh..anyways,there's like less than 50 days until the exam now. I use about 5 hours every week night to study and also do some other school stuffs..i also read home books during weekends..and just recently,at school, as our teacher was discussing, i was shocked because i can't see his face clearly,and there's like blurry aura around him..My head also hurts the longer i read on the chalkboard..and it's kinda blurry,too..oh no..i'm freaking out! I tried to put on my mother's eyeglass and it was clear..but she has a higher eye grade. and I dont wanna wear glasses! would my clear eyesight be back? what should i do?..i never had this kind of problem before..

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