Monday, July 18, 2011

My eyeeeee.....helpp?

OK so yesterday i was wearing my lenses and the one in my left eye had been bugging me since the morning i took it out and put it in again which didn't help but thats not the problem. after a while it started to go from just bothering me to not seeing properly (I've got weak eyesight) all the lights started getting really blurry but other things were just fine, around each light i'd see this circle of shadow or something and my other eye was ok it was sooo annoying. i went home and when i took out my lenses i cleaned it really well and put eye-drops in my eye then i realized my left eye was tiny in comparison to my right one and it just looks wrong, thought it would go away over night but i was wrong. I HAVE TO GO TO THIS PARTY TODAY..HOW DO I FIX IT???

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