Saturday, July 16, 2011

Numb arm and tongue, werid speech.. ?

My cousin who's 15 had a werid experience the other day, she lives in italy and she was getting ready one morning when suddenly her eyesight became slightly blury and her arm began to numb up so she couldn't feel it, she was on the way to the doctors with her mum to bring her little sister and when she got to the doctors the numbness became worse and her it spread to her tounge. She said she had it her mind what she wanted to say howeverr somehow it wasn't coming our right and she was speaking a load of rubbish, the doc brought her in immidieatly and gave her some sort of head scan which came out fine and then sent her to the hospital..tonight she can't sleep at all for some brain scan at the hospital the next day. This is the second time this has ever happend and she's VERY scared. What could it be?! :S

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