Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Relationship problems, i dont know what to do?

I live in London and he lives in Ireland. We met 6 months ago, after we talked tons online and I decided to fly over there. We've been flying back and fourth maybe once or twice a month ever since. He's at university and I'm still in school, so he's more busy than me. When we first started dating in January, he wouldn't talk to me until 10pm every night and he'd go out clubbing around 4 nights a week. I felt rather neglected, but I kept quiet and just thought 'it'll change soon'. Anyway, it didn't. So I had to tell him that it'd be nice if he sent a few inboxes during the day and perhaps went out a bit less and he's in a long distance relationship and we need time to talk. He agreed with me and stopped. Anyway, problems progressed. He'd forget me, not be fair etc. For example my nan died a few months ago and instead of being supportive, he made things harder for me. I've been depressed for a long time and even suicidal these past few months and he doesn't understand that the way he makes me feel (not worth it, unloved, unattractive) really does not help my depression! Anything nice he's done (bought me flowers, taken me out, anything sentimental) I've had to ask him to do. He's said if I stop asking him to do things, then he'll do it by himself. But I gave him that chance and it didn't happen. He's said he'll change so many times and that tomorrow will be better, but it never happens. I also found out he'd been camming with other females and saying sexual things to them in the first 2 months of our relationship. He'd also been talking to his ex girlfriend and a girl he was previously in love with (he may still be in love with her..) I just don't know what to think anymore. I even caught him appearing offline to me on msn, and talking to this girl he was in love with instead. Everytime I tell him 'I don't feel like you care about me' he gets angry, telling me I'm stupid for thinking that. But am I really stupid for thinking that? I feel horrible, I cry so much. And I've been constantly getting back pain, migraines and stomach pain due to the stress. He's having a hard time at the moment because his dad had a stroke and he started giving me this big lecture saying I should be there for him. Yes, I SHOULD be there for him and understand if he can't talk sometimes because he's with his family. But, where was he when my nan died and now that I am suffering from depression? I'm exhausted and I don't know what to do. I feel like he's not in love with me, like I'm not worth it. But every day I try so hard to make things okay. But the truth is, he was lying to me from day one because I asked him if he'd been camming with any girls and he said no. I feel like I can't trust him at all. I even checked his facebook chats one day as I was extremely paranoid after all of this, and found him moaning about me to some girl he knows. He could be saying 'I'm not lying to you' but instead he's just doing it behind my back and deleting the evidence. I don't know what to do. Because I'm depressed I find it so hard to let go of something or someone that may care about me. I admit after him forgetting me and ignoring me, it's made me chase him more and become quite needy. And me being depressed obviously is hard for him. I don't know if I'm in the wrong or I'm doing the wrong thing. I just don't know what way to turn anymore. I don't want to 'just break up with him, he's not worth it!' I care about him, it's not as simple as that. I'm not saying I shouldn't break up with him, I just need an easier route to do it. Please give me advice, thank you.

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