Saturday, July 23, 2011

Can anyone please tell me what the role of G-proteins are on eyesight?

the only G-protein i found related to eyesight was Rhodopsin, but i still don't understand its' function

What is the country song about a dad?

It is about a little boy who's dad is gone away but told the boy he will always be there for him. It is a newer song. It is not the one by Conway Twitty.

R...u...proud to be a what?

what is the most unusual mascot you have ever heard? or dont they hhave wierd oneswhere u live? my alma mater was the sand lizards, what is a sand lizard, really? think thats wierd? tell me what a wampus cat is? go conway!?!?!?! or maybe those danville little that a toilet? we always said, "flush those johns!"

Fable 3 - Why does everybody in understone hate me? (read details)?

Because you sir, are a racist and the people of understone do not take very kindly to people of your sort, bloody darkies!

Can anyone join the navy/army?

I live in UK for 6 years, I'm 18, but I was born in Poland and don't have English nationality. I have bad eyesight (need glasses/contact lenses). I heard the requirements for all the military groups are extremely strict and some tiniest thing that you have can prevent you from entering, but I also keep hearing that 'Army is for everyone' and 'everyone has a place/role in the army' etc, so which one is it?

Should I buy Two Worlds II for PC or Xbox 360?

A good friend of mine LOVES the first Two Worlds and he has it on his computer. I've read a little bit about the sequel and I'm kind of stuck on which version I should get him for his birthday. When comparing graphics, I read in reviews the PC is best for those with the 360 at second so I'm thinking that graphics don't have too big of a difference (unless any of you can point out some big differences). We both played the Xbox 360 demo for the first game and I thought the controls were too finicky for my taste, but he did alright with them (that's what he told me anyways). But, thinking about it, getting the PC version could possibly be a safer route, since he's more use to the controls of the PC over the 360. Don't worry about price; there isn't too much of a difference- both are about $50 per copy. So, all in all, should I get the PC or the 360 version? Any comments on game play, whether or not it's an "open world" (isn't that where, in the 1st game anyways, could just keep on sort of walking in any direction? Correct me if I'm wrong, please!) and whatever you feel is valuable information :) Thanks for the help!

Can smoking affect your eyesight?

Just wondering. I get so paranoid about things, always end up putting 2+2 together and getting 5! My reasoning is, i do smoke, and i recently went for an eye appointment, and my optician said there had been some 'changes' to my eyesight. This sounded pretty damn cryptic to me, especially since he didn't specify exactly what he meant by 'changes', and my eyesight is very important to me. Please answer, or i'll just end up getting more and more paranoid. I know it sounds irrational, but i just need to know :(

Finding my wifi password?

So I need to find my wifi password since I have forgotten it. I've gone to the command prompt and found the IP address and typed it into the address bar. Then it said I need a username and password. I have managed to forget those as well. Any thoughts as to what I can do? Or if there's a whole other route I can take to find my password for my wifi.

Is there really free will?

u have the free will 2 choose GOD r the devil, freewill 2 choose HEAVEN r hell, r life r death. u choose.i have freewill to married who u want to work what ever job u want freewill to choose what ever church u want so u do have freewill.

Are there any groccery stores in arkansas that triples coupons? Or doubles over .55 cents?

just wondering, I know Kroger doubles coupons but they only go up to .55 cents at the one I go to in conway

Accounting question which deals with partnerships please help?

Brewster, Conway and Ogden are partners who share income and loss in a 1:5:4 ratio. After lengthy disagreements among partners the partners and several unprofitable periods, the partners decide to liquidate the partnership. Immediately before liquidation, the partnership balance sheet shows total assets, 117000; total liabilities 87750 brewster capital 1600, conway capital 11600, ogden capital 16050. The cash proceeds from selling the assets were sufficient to repay all but 20500 to the creditors. a) calculate the loss from selling assets. b) allocate the loss to partners c) determine how much of the rmaining libility should be paid to each partner. what i dont get is the 1:5:4 ratio. how do you allocate the loss based on that ratio?

Is this normal eyesight?

i have really bad eyesight since I was like 10 and I'm 14 now. my eyes are like so bad, when I don't have my glasses on, I can't see Anyones face no matter how close or far they are. I can't see books and stuff. I have to wear my glasses the whole time. I have contacts but since this year, in my right eye, the contacts were irratating it, cause a black dot in my eye, causing my eye to be red, like bloodshot. so I don't wear contacts anymore but I really want to... any suggestions? how can I make my eyesight better? (btw I'm allergic to carrots)

Problems with eyesight, breathing, and exhaustion during exercise?

Both the breathing and eye problems sound like you are having trouble getting enough oxygen. Try going to a doctor and seeing if you have asthma.

My eyesight is starting to blur at far!HELP!?

I'm 15. I'm not the type who wears glasses. Recently, school just started here in our place, and i also started to do school stuffs.I'm already a senior highschool student(Philippines)..And there's so much pressure in studying. I'm taking up an important college entrance exam. last summer, i totally didn't study, i just played around the house,surfing the net until it's late at night...ugh..anyways,there's like less than 50 days until the exam now. I use about 5 hours every week night to study and also do some other school stuffs..i also read home books during weekends..and just recently,at school, as our teacher was discussing, i was shocked because i can't see his face clearly,and there's like blurry aura around him..My head also hurts the longer i read on the chalkboard..and it's kinda blurry,too..oh no..i'm freaking out! I tried to put on my mother's eyeglass and it was clear..but she has a higher eye grade. and I dont wanna wear glasses! would my clear eyesight be back? what should i do?..i never had this kind of problem before..

Why does coach Bombay allow Conway to sit out in the final game of D2 the mighty ducks?

My guess (not necessarily true) is that Bombay after realizing he was taking everything too seriously and wanted to win so badly, thought that after all winning wasn't so important. Consequently, they preferred to go for who was in the team for a more long time. The return was unexpected I believe. But I might be wrong and mistaking the three movies.

Is anyone else annoyed by conway twitty in family guy?

No! I think it's pretty commemorable and cool and also mildly funny. It could be put in empty spots of the show, but who cares, family guy is already super random.

How should I tell him that I like him?

I am 15 and will be a sophomore next year. This guy that I am interested in also shares the same drivers education class that I take. We have had a couple classes throughout the year where we would sit together and talk, etc... I feel like we have really good chemistry. Tomorrow is our final drivers education class and we walk similar routes on the way home. How should I tell him that I am interested in him and/or would like to get together over the summer? Thank you so much!

Not acting normal: Experiencing strange symptoms?

Your symptoms to me sound like Depression. You may want to speak to a pychiatrist before things get worse and see what they say. But first speak with your family doctor and see what they would suggest.

Law Enforcement Academy Vs College?

I am currently attending college in pursue of a bachelor's degree in Human Services and Sociology but soon will be transferring to a new college in pursue of a Criminal Justice Bachelor's degree, but I been doing a lot of research into this Law Enforcement Academy that is offered at a different school. So I was thinking about quitting my pursue of getting a Bachelor's degree and trying to get into the Academy instead. I want to be a Juvenile Probation Officer so I was wondering what would be the best route to take? Thanks!

Can anyone recommend any good books to read?

Blades and Dangerous Days both by J. William Turner. Very realistic fiction about Australian teens in several dramatic life and death situations set in many parts of Australia, plus California and England, dealing with teenage, adult and social themes. More info in yahoo web search.

Royal Marines Eyesight question- yes another one.?

im sure there are hundreds of other questions, but all of the other answers seem to have lots of confusing numbers and letters. I would like to join the marines as an officer when i'm older but i dont want to aim for it then find out that my eyesight is too crap to get in so i thought id check now. My left eye is fine but unfortunately my right eye (bloody typical) is pretty crap. I currently wear glasses for like looking at the board in class, not because i have to, but so i dont strain my eyes. Can i wear glasses if i join the marines as an officer? i know its hardly tactical but i thought there's a chance. Any answers will be helpful. Cheers :)

Backpacking vs Luxury?

Hey! So I'm going on a trip pretty soon to London and Paris, it's going to be hopefully amazing, I'm planning on traveling in my style which is always to stay at nice hotels and be pampered and have really luxurious amenities and eat at the absolute coolest and best places and really live it up as much as I can, I mean hey, you only have one life to live, and I've always traveled this way, always, I've never really ever done any of the backpacking thing, and honestly the idea repulses me a little, I want to take everything in and be comfortable and feel like I'm at peace, and yet a little part of me wonder's, how is it like to backpack though? Like through europe, i mean for the price of a holiday in luxury places you could backpack through all of Europe, yet wouldn't it be uncomfortable? And I just want to hear some opinions, why and why not to backpack and if you like the idea of staying in more luxurious hotels and being pampered alongside your holiday, or if you prefer getting dirty and staying in hostels? What are some arguments and some like opinions on both, I mean it's not really like you see more or less of somewhere just by how you travel, right? And I always see a lot of backpackers always criticizing people who travel luxuriously for not taking in the culture and real life, who says you don't see the culture and life in a luxury hotel? You still go to the same sights, you still get the same place, you just spend it at different places is really all, so why do backpackers bash us so much? I don't think I would ever backlash backpackers, everyone has their own thing, and obviously if they are so concerned about culture they shouldn't really be criticizing people for where they stay, I'm also sure you can get to stay in culture by having a holiday in a historical luxury hotel with hundreds of years of history, vs a hostel... but I've always just wanted to hear opinions, so please go ahead and tell me where you stand! Luxury, or Backpacking, and why or why not to go a certain route?

What route should I take from San Francisco to St Louis?

I am going to be pulling a trailer with a car on it. Which route would be easier on my truck the southern or the northern route?

Help with my eyesight please?

You're just barely farsighted, nothing too serious. I have about +6.25 with 8.6 BC and 14.2 diam in my eyes! I'm blind a bat. :P You're lucky.

I received a writ of execution in Conway, South Carolina...?

I received a writ of execution in Conway, South Carolina, I own two houses and two cars, if I ignore the sheriffs letter, what will happen? Can and will they really sell my house or car? Can they take cash out of my bank account? I never new the government had such powers! This is not fair!

Amateur boxing eyesight problem?

I trained as an amateur boxer but was told I wouldn't be able to compete in matches because I am short sighted. I asked if I would be allowed to wear contact lenses but that isn't allowed. You have to be able to pass an eye test without glasses or contact lenses so it really depends how bad your eyesight is. All you can do is take the medical and see what happens. Good luck and I hope this helped.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is it possible to make your eyesight go blurry and then back to normal?

I can physically make my eyes go blurry and then back to normal when ever I want I just want to know if this is normal?

Can anyone tell me an alternate route from NYC area to Orlando that avoids the Washington DC-Baltimore-Delawar?

Can anyone tell me an alternate route from NYC area to Orlando that avoids the Washington DC-Baltimore-Delaware area ? I would like to pick up 95 again though somewhere around NC/SC.

Question about eyesight ?

no. u just need 2 wear glasses. I am blind in 1 eye so that eye shut down on me so i have 1 eye. so keep on wearing glasses. oh and maybe cover ur weak eye and make that stronger

Are chapelridge apartments in conway arkansas good?

i think they are great apartments to live at. if you do turn out to live there i hope you have a good time :)

How do I pay for occasional labor?

I'm starting a business and I have a friend that will be helping me out. She has no ownership of the business and will be working at her leisure (essentially) but not often enough, I feel, for me to go the independent contractor route. That would probably be a hardship for her as well to have to report self-employment taxes. How do I pay her properly and indicate that expense properly?

Do you know what album this song is on?

That song would have to be on a vinyl record, cant seem to find which one but maybe the ones he made in 1978 since thats when that song was released?

Bad eyesight contacts?

If you look at official definitons it is considered pretty mild. You have to start hitting -5/-6 before its considered bad at all. To decide if your eyesight is terrible consider what you can do without glasses/contacts. For example can you get dressed /showered easily? Can you find a door? Just how helpless are you without glasses? My guess is that your glasses help but you can function reasonably well without them if you aren't reading signs. Your dependency on your glasses tells you just how bad your eyesight is really.

Car dealership in Little Rock, AR area buy car with bad credit?

I'm looking to trade in my car in the next few months. I have bad credit. Are there any buy here pay here or dealerships that can get loans for people with bad credit that you would suggest? Doesn't necessarily have to be Little Rock. Cabot, Conway, Benton... Anywhere within 3 hours of Little Rock is okay. Thanks for suggestions!

HPSP Army Scholarship?

I am a high school student looking at becoming a physician. The army offers the HPSP scholarship that, from what I can see, pays for medical school in exchange for X amount of years of service in the army (depends on how many years you get the scholarship for). My question is this: do you have to go the ROTC route in undergrad to be considered for this scholarship? If so, would you be able to complete undergrad and med school before being on active duty?

What does it mean if you loose your eyesight from smoking pot?

I smoked some weed with my friends and when I was standing at a concession stand my eyesight slowly started to go away kinda like when you stand up and youre lightheaded. Well my sight was completely gone for a few minutes, my eyes were wide open and I looked normal but couldn't see. I was wondering if this is related to glaucoma in any way or just what happened. This only happened once and it wasn't my first time smoking

Road Trip USA - safety?

when u get here buy pepperspray and a baseball bat. when driving thought cities roll your windows up and lock doors!!!

Should I take the SAT or the ACT to get into a magnet school?

I want to apply to LSMSA, a residential magnet school in Louisiana, but they require either ACT or SAT scores. Which of these tests would be a better choice for someone who has never taken either? Which would be easier? By my logic, the easier the test, the higher scores I can get, and higher scores would look better on my application, correct? I just have no idea which route to go. I can provide additional information if necessary. Thanks in advance for your answers!

B&A: Harsh Criticism?

The first paragraph is okay. The second not so much. When you said it wasn't because she is ugly that people didn't like her, you then proceeded to tell how beautiful she is. You set the mood in the first paragraph that she really hates her life for some reason and then you went off topic to tell about her hair and eyes. Skip that second paragraph and go to the third where she tells the other reasons, the real ones.

Was the situation handled the right way?

Robby Gordon probably pays more in legal fees per year then he does on race cars, but Kevin Conway is a joke so whatever. The police report is merely an extra piece of paper Conway can lay on the judges desk in court. Big whoop.

How to Teach a Child to Tell Time?

I want to teach my 6 year old the time 12hr clock & then move into 24hr. She has an idea & knows certain "times" of the day, I've decided to go the flash card route but I'd also like to read books with her centred around the time, we have a barbie one. Anyway any recommendations on childrens books/stories centred about the time?

I don't want an engagement ring?

You can always simply look them in the eye when they ask and say we are going a non traditional route and putting the money towards something we will both enjoy and remember...... the wedding. then simply ignore any more prying into the subject.

Can you cancel a Texas request for child support that was made online?

You know what i would do? i would just call them up and say can you please cancel my appointment something came up due to that happening i can't make it. Hope that helps!

Can you keep a parakeet in a garage with now cars in it.?

I am trying to put my bird somewhere my dad will not let me put it in the house because it sticks so is it ok to have my parakeet to live in my garage there is no car or will the garage door scare it we live in conway

I need information on a teacher?

she teaches at wirral met conway park her names esther austin please does anyone know her and if so what do you know of her.

Taking a bus from NJ to CT?

I live in Spotswood, NJ and I'm looking for a bus route that goes to Middletown, CT, What buses do I take to get there and would it only be one bus or would I have to switch buses along the way?

What is your opinion on Illegal alien found guilty of 3rd DUI?

WHat is horrible, is that the guy should of been deported a long time ago. Those who believe in compassion should agree that he is out of control after the second DUI. THat along a man who was caught driving with out a license to commit 3 DUI's is inexcusable. We should of found out the stolen identity along time ago as well. The horrible thing is that this man is still costing our country.

Questions about my eyesight?

My left eye is -150 and my right eye is -550. I'm getting glasses but do you think I would be okay since its a big gap? Like do u think I would get headaches and stuff? Please answer honestly!

Eye strain - please give as much info as possible! SORE!?

You answered your problem in the first sentence you wrote. You need to take more breaks from the computer. There are no real exercises you can do if you are just going to stay on the computer most of the day.

If you HAD to choose, Which would you rather lose... eyesight or hearing & why?

I've thought about this question multiple times and it's really hard to make a decision. For me, I really love music and that's what keeps me sane. But on the other hand, I love seeing beautiful scenes in nature and I want to become a photographer. It's like, you can't describe amazing music to a deaf person, and you can't describe beautiful scenes in nature to a blind person. You have to experience it yourself. So, to answer your question, I think I'd say I'd rather lose my eyesight because music is basically my whole life!

Is it my EYESIGHT.......?

Or, IS there a "look-alike" factor, between CURRENT lady tennis sensation, CAROLINE WOZNIACKI, and, the former Wimbledon ladies' singles champion, - the "SWISS MISS", - MARTINA HINGIS?

Why do parents tell children to go to their room or to stand in the corner?

go to your room..or to the corner, to think about what it is you've done wrong..also to calm down and come back with a better attitude..i was sent to my room as a kid and never felt my parents didn't want me around,

Any tips on date with this guy? He is blind?

well you have to talk to gim as a normal person but make sure your focused when talking so he can have a feel of where you are at or how far away you two are and if he arrives alone, assist him to the chouch or table or ask if he needs anything.

Who thinks there needs to be a Family Guy episode where the whole episode is a bunch of Conway Twitty songs?

Why not? But it couldn't be just a whole 30 minute concert unless the show started off with something like: Family Guy presents: Conway Twitty. If they don't give people the heads up, some people wouldn't be to happy waiting for the show to continue.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is the right choice to make?

I think you should honestly tell him how you feel about this whole messy situation then back off..because it's his problem

Wearing contacts with bad prescription and astigmatism?

I am about a -6 in one eye and -4 in the other and have astigmatism in both. I just got contacts but I am not happy with them. They are not as clear as my glasses and go out of focus frequently. It is tough to read or use the computer with them. My doctor told me this is typical for someone with my prescription and astigmatism. Does this make sense or is my doctor just being lazy? I wore contacts a year ago and was very happy with them, and my eyesight hasn't changed that much.

Anyone else upset about Kevin Conway being in the shootout?

He is no doubt one of NASCARs worst drivers. All he is is an extenze puppet. He sucks as a driver. Do you think he should be in it?

My eyesight has been very off, is it serious?

Summer has just started and I have been using the computor much more. But now when I looks around, my left eye is showing unclear pictures and has many tiny tiny dots like a computor screen. Is this very serious? I has also been around a week that it has been like this. PLease answer ASAP


You better go to a doctor and have it checked out, maybe you could wear sunglasses to the party, just a thought

When you rent to get skis off the mountain, does it include ski poles?

I'm renting here at New England Mountain Sports in the Conway region and it doesn't say if it includes poles or not, does it?

How To Know When You Need To Shave?

My friend asked me if i shaved because she sed there was hair on my legs. I have bad eyesight and from my point of view its hard to see. I asked my mom and she says she doesn't see anything but my friend says i need too. I shaved before but how do you know when and where to shave?!? I dont wanna shave hair you cant see because it will grow back thicker but i dont wanna walk around with all this hair on my legs.... I CANT TELLL HELPPPPP

Is being a CFA relevant in zimbabwe or SA?

i am stuck between the 2 choices of studying to be a CA or a CFA. The CA route is tidious in that i would have to do articles but i dont know how relevant the CFA qualification is especially in Zim or in SA.Help please :)

Aunt is staying over for 2 months and already bored?

Do some things she would like to do like listen to music back iN her day or dress up like they use to do back in her day or look at moves back in her day or just talk sometime its good to talk you might learn more about her you never knew before.

Are there glasses that diverge light rays from your eyes? and how much are they?

"They be getting dirty all the time" ???? You either really need new glasses or you need to go back to kindergarten.....Why don't you just stop watching T.V and playing video games and go outside and get a real life? Then you don't have to spend money at all and problem solved.

Questions about my new glasses?

i mean im sure your eye doctor might have noticed the strong difference but your eye sight should be around the same number does it look clear when u look through both lenses at once if yes then its fine if no try wearing them for a while if its still not clear try going back to eye doctor to ask if you dont feel like going you can call and ask them and see if they can help

How do I cut away from septic tank and connect to new city sewer line?

I'm planning to connect to a new city sewer line from an exisiting septic tank line. I plan to cut in to the drain line from the house and route the line into the connection that the city has recently installed. I know I need the line to have a slight fall to it and that I need a back flow valve in the line. Is there anything else that I'm not thinking of? I know I need permits and to check for buried lines also. Thanks

Question about fedex deliveries?

im tracking my order on the website.. it is now noon and it says that my package is en route on a truck.. but it updated that at 8:10 this morning.. is it still en route or should i got pick it up at the fedex place

Children's Murders Could Have Been Prevented why after many encounters with police it takes murder to stop him?

Police are afraid to report the illegals to ICE because they fear being sued for discrimination or something. Local governments are afraid to instruct their police forces to detain and report illegals because they fear Big Sis and AG Holder will come after them. Just deporting illegals with felonies and violent convictions isn't enough. Any encounter with police should be enough to have them sent home.

Do I have strabismus, amblyopia or something else and can anything be done for what I have?

I have always had some issues with my eyes starting since I was very young. I have had a surgery to correct what was diagnosed as lazy eye when I was 6 months old (used a patch then too) and again when I was 3 years (do not believe I used a patch this time). The surgeries never seemed to have much effect at all if any really and I continued using mostly only my right eye. As I did this, the vision in my left eye worsened as my eyes did not work together. I remember around age 6 not being able to even look at my nose with both eyes at the same time no matter how hard I tried, but only with using one eye at a time. When I was about 12 or so I began using contact lenses instead of glasses because of intolerable headaches caused by using the glasses. My left, weak eye could be corrected properly with both the glasses and lenses but when the lense I used for my left eye was stronger and gave better vision than my right eye, I began to use only this eye instead! After a few years my eyes began to not tolerate the lenses and would burn continuously when I used them, even when trying different brands and thus I have went without for a few years. So recently, (I am now 19 years) the matter came to my attention again when watching a 3D movie. I noticed that I somehow can now use both eyes at the same time if I consciously try to (I can look at both sides of my nose at the same time now too!) but because the vision in my left eye is so poor, I get a horrible headache when my eyes try to focus and merge the two images from each eye when one image, from the left eye, is so poor quality. I can however manage this when what I am looking at is close to my face and preferably does not contain too many words to read. At a mall a few weeks ago I tried the new 3DS and was able to see the images as intended so I can at least to some extent perceive depth for I notice a lack of this depth when the 3D option is turned off which I tested. So I am wondering what could be going on. Are these conditions fluid and can be corrected or at least improved through vision therapy or something of the sort? I would imagine so since my eye abilities have changed drastically throughout my life. Also, would it be a possibility for my eyes to be corrected through surgery to give the possibility of training them to work together normally? It feels as if my eyes want to work together as I can make them do so even for long distances and even though the poor eyesight of my left eye gives me a headache when doing this, the eyes seem reluctant to go back to using only the right eye again. So I am just considering my options... Thank you to anyone willing to help.

Have recently been feeling a strange feeling of a foggy type head, disconnected and difficulty concentrating?

I have recently started to experience what I can only describe as sort of 'disconnected' feeling, almost like I feel drunk/high but Im not, and have great difficulty concentrating. I have also been experiencing difficulty with my congnitive function i.e short term memory and language. I am getting worried about this, as I am only 25 and dont know what is wrong? I also had blurry vision so I recently got glasses thinnking this would all go away but my eyesight is better but I still have the cloudy type head? Please help me with some answers?

What is a bus line that runs from green bay, wi to chicago, il?

i am going to chicago, but i was planning on taking a bus there. i have never used the bus system before, so i don't know how the routes work, or what the good ones to use are. any information would be helpful. thanks!

Backpacking vs Luxury?

Hey! So I'm going on a trip pretty soon to London and Paris, it's going to be hopefully amazing, I'm planning on traveling in my style which is always to stay at nice hotels and be pampered and have really luxurious amenities and eat at the absolute coolest and best places and really live it up as much as I can, I mean hey, you only have one life to live, and I've always traveled this way, always, I've never really ever done any of the backpacking thing, and honestly the idea repulses me a little, I want to take everything in and be comfortable and feel like I'm at peace, and yet a little part of me wonder's, how is it like to backpack though? Like through europe, i mean for the price of a holiday in luxury places you could backpack through all of Europe, yet wouldn't it be uncomfortable? And I just want to hear some opinions, why and why not to backpack and if you like the idea of staying in more luxurious hotels and being pampered alongside your holiday, or if you prefer getting dirty and staying in hostels? What are some arguments and some like opinions on both, I mean it's not really like you see more or less of somewhere just by how you travel, right? And I always see a lot of backpackers always criticizing people who travel luxuriously for not taking in the culture and real life, who says you don't see the culture and life in a luxury hotel? You still go to the same sights, you still get the same place, you just spend it at different places is really all, so why do backpackers bash us so much? I don't think I would ever backlash backpackers, everyone has their own thing, and obviously if they are so concerned about culture they shouldn't really be criticizing people for where they stay, I'm also sure you can get to stay in culture by having a holiday in a historical luxury hotel with hundreds of years of history, vs a hostel... but I've always just wanted to hear opinions, so please go ahead and tell me where you stand! Luxury, or Backpacking, and why or why not to go a certain route?

How do these glasses look on me (Please be honest)?

they aren't what people now-a-days wear but thats just cuz its suits them. you're glasses suit fine:) when you next need new glasses, you could try getting ones that have slightly thicker edges? just a suggestion:) oh and like the people before me have said, if she says no just cuz she thinks ur ugly or she doesnt like your glasses then seriously tell her that that backfired and walk away dude! haha jks, no, she's just not worthy of your time:) x

How to make my eyesight better without glasses,contacts or laser eye surgery?

I already have glasses I want contacts/laser eye surgery but I don't have nearly enough money for those. Do you know what I can do to make my eyesight better over the summer(like what to eat,eye exercises,ect.) Plz plx PLEEEASE HELP! :)

During World War 2 did any Submarines go through the Bearing Straight and Under the Artic Circle?

During World War 2 we know that German Submarines made it around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa and most likely through Magellan's Pass in South America. But did any go through the Bearing Straight or even under the Arctic Circle? I know that Subs patrolled the Bearing Sea as the Soviet subs sunk two Ocean Liners in the last months of the War 1945 that set out from Danzig, Poland in route to Germany.

Does this help you fall asleep?

when you rub your hands together to make them heat up and then cover your eyes. i know this is for making eyesight better but since it relaxes your eyes would it help you to fall asleep?

Is this a normal fettish?

I have a handcuffed penguin, reverse kanga, spiderman, rusty cowboy, cleveland steamer fettish, while giving a reacharound to a spidermonkey and reciting the pledge of allegiance, taking home illegal aliens from bunnings to cut me while i touch myself in the shower and screaming at a photo of a banana wearing a top-hat and listening to Conway Twittee while wearing a mankini signed by steve jobs, all the while learning to play the banjo and writing a 1000 word essay on the meaning of rusty spoons. To top this, I also like the justin bieber cover of the song 'Friday'.

0% eyeshields? Opaque sunglasses?

I can't imagine why completely opaque glasses would be made, but perhaps if you get a sunglass style you like, then paint the inside of the lenses with black nail polish , it should do the trick. It would probably take a couple of coats.

WRESTLING FANS! which of these RING ENTRANCE Themes is the worst?

Reverend D-Von's old theme ''Oh Testify''.I hated it,it was just like music you'd hear at mass I know that's obviously so it will match his gimmick of him being a priest but it was still terrible

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Contact lenses paid for by NHS voucher?

You will have to pay. The NHS will only issue a new voucher under very strict conditions, such as your next test being due, a change in prescription within recall (i.e. before your next sight test is due), if you're under sixteen and have lost/broken your glasses or if you suffer from a disability which means that you have lost/broken your glasses, but it's not your fault. NHS optical vouchers aren't really designed for disposable contact lenses, so you don't usually get normally get a great deal using the voucher that way.

What did you think of Ice Cube's rapping abilities and how he contributed to those who do it today?

Personally, I don't like rap but I need some input from the older generation as to what they think of my cousin, Rapping ledgend Ice Cube's ability (and yes,I'm bragging a bit too,LOL) and what contributions you feel he made towards the singing style and direction of Hip-Hop music today? I'm writing a book soon and would really love some honest input. He was my 2nd. Cousin on my Mother's side and O'shea used to bounce me on his knee,I have geneology to prove it for the book I'm writing. I am simply trying to get some honest input to help with an honest portrayal from folks now in their personal views of him and again,it will aide in my research that I'm doing,Thank You as well for your thoughtful help. It will be about my experiences and personal life which also will include my famous relatives,1st. cousin Jeff Clark Pro Surfer,Conway Twitty Country Western Singing Legend and R.A. Thorburn (another rapper) It's quite a full plate,but it's been a great life for me and I would like to share it in my book

11 week old lion head bunny sick stumbling around and shaking! Please help!?

She probably stopped eating because she was scarred to be in a new place with her owner she sees all the time. I think you should keep doing what the vet says and just keep an I on her. But it should get better. Hope all is well!

Where to vacation in New England?

I am from Maine and have been here my whole life. I have been to North Conway in NH and to Santa's Village and Storyland there. I Have been to the Aquarium and Museum of Science in Boston. My family and I are looking to go somewhere new this summer here in New England. We want to keep the traveling down but were wondering what is out there that we may not be aware of that would be fun for a 10 and 12 year old to do that would be fun. Any Ideas?

Converting Dollars to Sols: Cheapest place?

Going to Peru this week and I was wondering if I should convert some money here at the bank, at the airport, or wait until I get to Lima? What is the best/cheapest route?

Can you interpret my eye prescription? Is it really bad?

Last year when i got my eye prescription it said -2.50 Is that really bad or okay? I just wanted to know if that is really bad eyesight. Does the negative sign in front of it mean i'm nearsighted?

When do specific aircrafts actually get their "tail assignment" for the routes they have to fly?

I mean do airlines actually know like which plane is making route XY in 4 days, or is it more like 1-max. 2 days in advance?

Theme of "He stopped loving her today" Best Answer?

first off it was originally wrote and sang by George Jones and it is a beautiful is a link to help you try to decide on what elements of poetry you would like to include....a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I would certainly use irony and imagery. Hope this helps.

SCIENTIST: why won't you come up with this idea?

There indeed could be forms of life that do not follow the same "rules" as we do; in fact, such forms have been found near ocean-bottom vents. Whether or not they could become intelligent forms of life such as ourselves is another question. To understand the likelihood of this occurring, you should major in both biology and chemistry (especially organic chemistry) to learn about the interplay of biochemistry and energy as it pertains to living organisms.

What does bilateral correctable mean?

I want to join the Navy, but I do not have 20/20 vision. The requirement says: Eyesight 20/200 bilateral correctable to 20/25 with no color blindness. If I got laser eye surgery would I be able to join?

If carrots are so good for your eyesight, why are there so many dead rabbits on the road?

Because drivers are dumb and don't care what poor little creatures they kill. All that matters to them is whether they make it to their meeting on time. (Sometimes it is just an accident though)

I was a normal child till about 10 years old when i was in junior school but when n entered senior school stu?

students started bullying me. teachers started insulting humiliating me giving me severe punishments like sitting on the dustbin telling people in the class not to sit with me..kneeling down keeping my head near their feet...telling me go sit in the toilet...often resulting in the class laughing at me making mockery of this day i suffer from nightmares and make matters worse i failed in class 10 and wasted 1 when joined a new school it was really difficult 4 me to bear those things again..and within my family there has been a heredity problem of dark circles under eyes..people used to find me hideous and i was often considered the odd one out even when there was no fault of mine.add to the problem of dark circles is the fact the i am 23 and i dont grow a beard and i look malnutritioned and weigh 60 kgs height is 5 ' 11..but there were worse things in store for me.after school i entered college i had no idea what i was getting was an extremely glamorous college with no places for ugly nerds like college also i was constantly bullied by people who were rich looked better than me...and teachers looked at me with disgust..teachers specifically pointed me out during the whole of my 3 year course for all the wrong reasons..all of them ignored me if i went to them with any query..Girls looked me at me even worse than they would look at their dog with utter disgust and pity..i still cant make eye contact with any girl let alone have a gf...whenever i look at girls my head goes down at their feet..i get paranoid anxious my hands start to sweat..numerous times all these years i have cried almost every night and asked god why he gave me this sorry life especially when i see people around me enjoying life having having gf bf...roaming hurts me to the core that i keep having nightmares that people are cursing me all the time ..then i went into job hoping that things would change but they didnt i went through similar times in my after 2 years of completing my grad..i have got admission to mba course but i fear that this sorry life of mine would start all over again...since last year i have sat at home and have not had a social life ever coz i fear what people keep saying to me..i am finished from inside and have no desire or hope to live life ..thoughts of suicide come to mind but then i remember my parents how they would feel..i have explained my situation to them a couple of times.but they r helpless coz they have got no biggest inferiority compleax on this day is coz of my dark circles dont have a beard and being underweight....i have terrible eyesight wear glasses of 4 number......please there anything left for me to suffer more..

Ultimate royal rumble? i know there is only 30 people in the rumble but i dont care?

Wheres the question in this and why should we give a ****? But since this is gonna get takin down if I dont talk about the subject Why would you put the members of the Spirit Squad in there? They are so weak

Did justin bieber and paige conway stay in touch?

paige conway...the girl justin surprised on ellen. he seemed supperr duper into her and i'm wondering if they kept in touch..cause they seemed like the clicked idk hahaha. did she get to hang out with him that whole day before the premeire? did she like sit with him at the premiere? hahah so many questions. if anyone knows help me out!! THANKS!

What Does it Mean if a Movie is "Flipped"?

It means that they're mirrored, so as to avoid copyright issues. You'll notice instantly if there's text on the movie.

What were the 3 Conway Twitty songs they played on Family Guy?

" I see the want to in your eyes" and "You never been this far before". Im not sure about the other one though.

Is there anything that you can to do keep your eyesight from getting worse?

My eyesight is getting a lot worse lately and I was wondering if theres anything that can be done to prevent it from getting worse? I have to spend a good amount of time on the computer because of my work, but I try to take breaks and all that to prevent eye strain. I also eat pretty healthy and take a multi vitamin. Is there anythign else I could do? Thanks!

What should I do about my girlfriend wanting me to take more control?

Take control. If she starts yapping, remind her that she's asked you to take control. Make her make the decision on the spot then hold her to it.

Didnt pay ticket and have year old warrant, what to expect?

$200 misdemeanor ticket. Over a year on the warrant. Can it be paid without jail time? Conway, Arkansas.

Atheists : Is it only me or you also think this game makes no sense whatsoever ?

It's very mathematical in that it creates patterns following certain principles. I guess math people would enjoy it, among others including me

Is it okay to wash my eyes after staring all day at the computer?

my mom scolds at me every time I wash my face after using the computer... she said it may affect my eyesight :/ Is it true that my eyesight would be damage if I washed my face/eyes after staring at the computer all day?????

Which movie had a larger impact in your life: 'Slap Shot' or 'the Mighty Ducks'?

This is a hard one, I really like both. i remember being like 8 when I first saw the Mighty Duck movies and absolutely fell in love with them ;) on the other hand I watched Slap Shot a few months ago and it's so funny! I also enjoy the striptease at the end, but that goes without saying ;) Also my fave head coach (brucie) is in it, so that Just gives it ten points off the bat. In the end though, they both mean a lot to me in different parts of my life and what they mean to me. Conclusion: unavailable :)

How to find friends in a new town...?

Just moved to Conway, South Carolina. I don't know anyone except for my family. The only people I know close to my age are my 2 boy cousins, but one is almost 20 and the other 18. I'm 16. Have any suggestions on how to meet other teens my age? Currently I'm in virtual school so school isn't an option. Thanks.

Need help w/ migraines?

last three days ive been getting serious migraines they wont go away and ever since ive been getting these migraines my eyesight has been getting worst....plz help this pain is really affecting my everyday life.....

Who all likes the song ( I'ts Only Make Believe ) by the late great singer/songwriter Conway Twitty?

I cry everytime I hear this song...It is a "classic"...I love the song and Twitty is an old time favorite...

How to travel to greece mainland by ferry?

Would anyone no how to travel to the Greek mainland by ferry as we want to take our car with us but no idea what the route is. any help will be great,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blurry eyesight after swimming?

i went swimming in the pubic pool today and was swimming for 4 hours and opened my eyes underwater alot and they are really blurry, its now 3 hours after swimming and they are still blurry did i mess up my eyes?

Hello, Anyone have any places that are a must see/do in the Big Sur/ Monterey area?

Nepenthe - the view is gorgeous! And Julia Pfeiffer Beach [I think that's the one - there's another with a similar name] - the turnoff is hard to spot, but it's worth looking for.

Has anybody ever improved their eyesight naturally?

One of my friends used to wear glasses and he says he doesn't need them anymore. He doesnt wear contacts and he didn't get lasik. He says he just started to notice his eyesight get better and now he doesnt use them. So how is this possible. And his myopia was severe too.

Is Astrophysics a good way to go if I want to work with NASA?

I just gradiated high school and plan on going to school to get a Ph. D. In astrophysics. But I want to be able to work with NASA. Will I be able to do that with the Ph. D in astrophysics or should I go another route??

Anyone know where I can find replacement cushion for a 2007 Shawn Conway Tiverton Collection,...?

In you can find replacement cushion for a 2007 Shawn Conway Tiverton Collection.All the distinctive style you expect from Sean Conway, ruggedly crafted with outdoor-safe materials and a Mediterranean-inspired, sunshine-infused attitude. The handsome collection includes a dining table and dining chairs with matching swiveling rocker armchairs for relaxing and chatting through hot summer days and cool starry evenings. Collection also includes a 9’ market umbrella and matching base. All frames are durable steel gray–finished aluminum; table has ceramic tile inserts; chair upholstery is beautifully woven weatherproof olefin with polyurethane foam/polyfiber fill. Tiverton 2007 Gazebo sold separately. Each piece in collection sold separately.

Can doctors tell you what causes your poor eyesight?

Not on a general note. I mean for what caused a certain individual's poor eyesight, be it genetics or poor eye care.

Venue for birthday outing?

Why don't you go to a fancy restraunt together? Or have a party on a boat? Or hire out a hall and have a black ties event? Or if your looking for something more fun why don't you plan a party and people have to dress up as a certain letter, eg, if your boyfriends name is John, everyone has to dress up as something beginning with J?:) Well, i hope this helped and have a good night!

Please answer it's urgent!?

Ok our bus routes changed and I've been catching a different bus but I want to switch buses because my crush catches the one I originally caught? Please help!

Is the courier business a good business to get into in Phoneix, AZ?

I've been thinking of applying with Ontrac in the Phoenix,AZ area for an independent contractor position. I wanted to know what the typical starting wages are, and what amount companies are willing to reimburse you for gas per gallon. I've heard of companies willing to pay you for gas, and some aren't. Also what is the number of hours you have to put in per workday? Will I always need a GPS to find my way around the city, and are routes random? Right not I make 400 dollars a week with a company in an unrealted field, and I have worked their for three years. I've grown tired of it, and was hoping that I could find a courier job that will allow me to make the same amount, or more. I've head this business can be lucrative for some drivers, but for others it's not. Can your reccommend some companies that are good to work for from experience? What kind of qualifications must one have to be a courier driver?

Does this sound like a good plan?

If you have no problems living with your family and going to CC,then by all means GO!! You'll be saving a ton of money and getting the same degree in the end. The only problem I could foresee is that you'd be missing out on the "college experience" that seems to be overrated anyway.

How should i send a letter to helena bonham carter?

Oh, she's going to love you for this...sending out this information to the web internet and then asking us how to go through with it. At least you didn't post the letter here.

Who will have more points this year Kevin Conway or Bill Elliot?

I know Bill will run around 20 races,what about Kevin? Who will have more points and place higher and why?

Can you tell me if these pokemon are hacked?

Yes both are hacked. Slowbro can not be caught in Saffron City and Gardevior can not be caught at route 6. To avoid receiving hacked pokemon check their caught location and level met. These other than illegal move sets are the best ways to tell if a pokemon is hacked.

For people who wear glasses: Do you like or dislike 3D movies?

I frankly can't stand them. Because my eyesight is so poor, I can't see either way. Wearing 3D glasses over my actual glasses doesn't work, and wearing 3D glasses alone doesn't work either.

What Camcorder Can I Use To Make High Quality Corporate Styled Videos?

Since you worded you question like this, I would visit the local college and get the film makers there a chance to do this. To get High Quality Corporate Styled Videos, just buying a camcorder and pointing and shooting will not get you that. There is a learning curve fro amateur to pro. There is lighting, framing and much more you need to know to shoot highly polished videos.

How do these glasses look on me (Please be honest)?

I think your glasses are fine. :D It really suits you. You do kinda look like a nerd, but in a good way. :) I'm a nerd too and I'm proud to admit it :P but ya back to the point....The glasses don't make you look bad, they look great :)

Do Asian women make good girlfriends?

I'm 25 (white) and I've dated Latin women and have not been successful on finding what I'm looking for. Im interested in Asians as well and thinking about pursuing that route. I feel like they have a lot of great qualities, such as being humble, submissive, caring...etc. as well as being beautiful on the outside. Anyone have experience with dating Asians? Or could tell me more good qualities or bad ones.

Why some people get mad at mixed people when?

They say that you think you are better than everyone else because you DO think you are better than everyone else. If you are beautiful, it should be because of your personality first, and your looks last. Even through your text you are giving off a defensive, arrogant, "my crap don't stink" vibe. You don't get sick because you probably have a good immune system, not because you're bi- racial. Try to keep in mind that everyone is beautiful, and when cut, we all bleed red, and you will go further in life. Have a good day.

Write a statement of how you would respond to the following hypothetical situations:?

Mr. Conway returns for his second appointment in his root canal therapy. While being seated in the dental chair, he makes a comment to Kathy, the dental assistant, that his other root canal therapy, from a different endodontist, only took 30 minutes and was done in one appointment.

Are there any bussed directly to TCNJ?

I live in EB New Jersey, and I want to commute daily via bus to TCNJ. Are there any bus routes that lead directly to TCNJ?

So its true that WWE is using video game ideas to Create-A-Wrestler (CAW)?

It's Mason Ryan, the FCW Heavyweight Champion. FCW is a developmental territory for the WWE, and it looks like they think he's developed enough.

How to go to NAIA Domestic Terminal if your are from Cubao?

Please tell me what BUS or JEEPNEY routes to take and also the fare price if you know...thank you...

Not being cynical but do today's teens and Twenty Somethings realize that Country music died long ago?

I think, that they think, that Today's Country music is real country.They don't know what they're missing!

Ideas for court ordered community service in conway,arkansas?

Call 211; they are the experts in nonprofit agencies. They will give you a whole lot of choices. A food pantry, a soup kitchen, a domestic abuse shelter, a homeless shelter. Read at the local library, the waiting room at the hospital, at a retirement home, at a nursing home. Go to an animal shelter or humane society. Have a canned food drive; have an "Oodles of Noodles" pasta drive for the food pantry; collect mittens, coats, blankets, hats for the homeless. Collect used blankets and towels for the animal shelter. Collect new toothbrushes and hairbrushes for the domestic abuse shelter. The need is great; the opportunities are endless.

What is the shortest driving route from the west to the east coast of australia?

Id like to know what the shortest driving route is from any starting point on the west coast of australia to any destination point on the east coast. Note - must be coast to coast, no inland start and end points.

Any Easy Tips To Make Eyes Look Bigger? :)?

Theres Nothing Wrong With Me, Its Just My Eyes Are A Bit Smaller Than Other People's Eyes? Just A Bit... Like My Eyesight Is Fine And All!! I've Tried White Eyeliner But It Doesn't Really Work? I'm Considering Getting Circle Lenses? Any Tips? Taanks :L x


have you wanted to do a job so much but you could not because your eyesught is so bad, such like become a pilot? I personnally wanted to become a pilot but couln,t because my eyesight is terrible, i was disapointed at the time! Have you always wanted to do a certain job but couldnt due to having poor eyesight?

Tips on starting to run?

for your first run just take it easy don't push yourself hard run at a pace where you can comfortably talk while running and make sure that you have a good pair of running shoes for some people music helps i would probably recommend music but if you don't like it don't use it and make sure you have fun when you run!

If eyesight is cylinderical like -2.5 or -2.75 than lasik is possible?

That would be for the ophthalmologist to determine. How myopic (short sighted) you are is not the only factor which must be taken into consideration. Many of these stand-alone Lasik type clinics will allow you to come in for a consultation, free of charge to determine if you are a good candidate. I encourage you to do so.

Whats a good gps system for a long trip?

I'm driving to Texas from Ohio in a few months and need to buy a gps system. I'm also getting a route but gps would make things easier. Not to mention id like a gps anyway. If you know of a good gps system that's affordable (under 200) please let me know. Thanks

Based only on their names, which character would you rather read about?

Wren Whitley or Mia Adler. They're just average enough to not sound odd, but very unique at the same time. All very good names, but these are my favorites.

Relationship problems, i dont know what to do?

I live in London and he lives in Ireland. We met 6 months ago, after we talked tons online and I decided to fly over there. We've been flying back and fourth maybe once or twice a month ever since. He's at university and I'm still in school, so he's more busy than me. When we first started dating in January, he wouldn't talk to me until 10pm every night and he'd go out clubbing around 4 nights a week. I felt rather neglected, but I kept quiet and just thought 'it'll change soon'. Anyway, it didn't. So I had to tell him that it'd be nice if he sent a few inboxes during the day and perhaps went out a bit less and he's in a long distance relationship and we need time to talk. He agreed with me and stopped. Anyway, problems progressed. He'd forget me, not be fair etc. For example my nan died a few months ago and instead of being supportive, he made things harder for me. I've been depressed for a long time and even suicidal these past few months and he doesn't understand that the way he makes me feel (not worth it, unloved, unattractive) really does not help my depression! Anything nice he's done (bought me flowers, taken me out, anything sentimental) I've had to ask him to do. He's said if I stop asking him to do things, then he'll do it by himself. But I gave him that chance and it didn't happen. He's said he'll change so many times and that tomorrow will be better, but it never happens. I also found out he'd been camming with other females and saying sexual things to them in the first 2 months of our relationship. He'd also been talking to his ex girlfriend and a girl he was previously in love with (he may still be in love with her..) I just don't know what to think anymore. I even caught him appearing offline to me on msn, and talking to this girl he was in love with instead. Everytime I tell him 'I don't feel like you care about me' he gets angry, telling me I'm stupid for thinking that. But am I really stupid for thinking that? I feel horrible, I cry so much. And I've been constantly getting back pain, migraines and stomach pain due to the stress. He's having a hard time at the moment because his dad had a stroke and he started giving me this big lecture saying I should be there for him. Yes, I SHOULD be there for him and understand if he can't talk sometimes because he's with his family. But, where was he when my nan died and now that I am suffering from depression? I'm exhausted and I don't know what to do. I feel like he's not in love with me, like I'm not worth it. But every day I try so hard to make things okay. But the truth is, he was lying to me from day one because I asked him if he'd been camming with any girls and he said no. I feel like I can't trust him at all. I even checked his facebook chats one day as I was extremely paranoid after all of this, and found him moaning about me to some girl he knows. He could be saying 'I'm not lying to you' but instead he's just doing it behind my back and deleting the evidence. I don't know what to do. Because I'm depressed I find it so hard to let go of something or someone that may care about me. I admit after him forgetting me and ignoring me, it's made me chase him more and become quite needy. And me being depressed obviously is hard for him. I don't know if I'm in the wrong or I'm doing the wrong thing. I just don't know what way to turn anymore. I don't want to 'just break up with him, he's not worth it!' I care about him, it's not as simple as that. I'm not saying I shouldn't break up with him, I just need an easier route to do it. Please give me advice, thank you.

Can i fix my eyesight?

this year i became near sighted. i was thinking about telling my mom but she wouldnt believe me. so i was gonna wait for my next check up so the doctor could tell her, but now i dont wanna do that. sometimes i dont get eye exams at the doctor, only once in a while. can i fix my eyesight without getting glasses?

I just heard about the Atlantic Coast Bicycle Route. I was wondering where it is in Philadelphia.?

I'm looking to travel to NYC and I heard of this bike route. I'm wondering where I could find it in Philadelphia or New Jersey and also which paths to take to get to NYC.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Who here on yahoo can not stand Taylor Swift?

I don't listen to her.Her along with plenty of more so called country music artists need to be out of country period!! I miss ''real'' country music, today's fake country music sucks big time, and most all of them have the wrong label stamped on them.Anybody that knows country music, knows that Taylor Swift along with many others, are not country, so why play non country music on CMT and GAC, and call it something it's not?

Keep seeing what feels like a black spot floater.?

Only just recently i have just noticed that i have been seeing a black spot floater in my left eye, i have been wearing glasses for the last 17 yrs of my life, and i keep seeing it with my glasses on. I havent got perfect eyesight either but i havent had this kind of thing before either. Should i worry or not?

My eyeeeee.....helpp?

OK so yesterday i was wearing my lenses and the one in my left eye had been bugging me since the morning i took it out and put it in again which didn't help but thats not the problem. after a while it started to go from just bothering me to not seeing properly (I've got weak eyesight) all the lights started getting really blurry but other things were just fine, around each light i'd see this circle of shadow or something and my other eye was ok it was sooo annoying. i went home and when i took out my lenses i cleaned it really well and put eye-drops in my eye then i realized my left eye was tiny in comparison to my right one and it just looks wrong, thought it would go away over night but i was wrong. I HAVE TO GO TO THIS PARTY TODAY..HOW DO I FIX IT???

Question about my eyesight...?

I'm 11. During my summer (here in my place, summer is on March to May/June), I used the computer all day, every day. I sometimes take breaks. When my classes started, I noticed that everything was so blurry from my seat in the back of the room. I found this weird at first because in the past school year, I could see properly from the back. Anyway, it was quite blurry, but I can still read the stuff on the board. Recently, my teacher moved my seat to the 3rd row of the room and I can see a bit better now, but the problem is that my vision is still a bit blurry. Am I near-sighted or what?

Can your eyesight get worse by wearing glasses that aren't yours?

Ok, so my friend's eyes aren't that bad, and he doesn't wear glasses. I do wear glasses, and my eyesight is pretty bad and my eyesight is bad as well. Well for a few weeks, my friend wanted to borrow my glasses, and i let him.... and now his eyes are bad. I told him that it's my glasses fault, but he denies that. Is it true that your eyesight can get worse if you wear glasses that are not yours?

Can one find podcasts of the old Conway and Whitman radio show that was on 97.1 klsx fm talk (radio station)?

I'm looking for podcasts from their radio show not the new few podcasts shows they did when FM Talk went off the air.

Are Dogs and Cats Colour-Blind?

They don't have the full range of colours that humans have, but they are not colour blind as such. My Whippet's eyesight is ten times better than mine (even before mine began to deteriorate!!). Not so with my Basset, because he's a scent hound, not a sight hound.

Is water fasting really bad for you?

I fasted for a week now on water. And my eyesight has improved. I do feel dizzy and extremely hungry. My body does get use to the lack of food. But yet almost everyone says it's a horrible idea to only consume water for a week? Be honest please.

Is there a certain route that you take when sailing the English channel to France?

OK so is there like a certain route that people take when sailing/swimming the English channel to France to avoid all the massive ships witch come across? Thanks.

What was your bad experience in the tattoo parlor? Would you share your story to help others?

Never been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted by a tattooist, don't know of any one that has been either. Any tattooist that does should be sued. Nothing but good experiences with tattoo shops I go to. I think tattooist are a little more professional in North America then they are in Mexico.

Why is it that most pro female athletes' notable husbands and boyfriends (HABs) are pro athletes?

Athletes, particularly though who play the same sport travel to and participate in the same sporting events through the year and they man even training with the same coach or at the same training facility.

A troupe of child dancers?

On a comedy variety show there was a troupe of child dancers, like the "June Taylor" dancers who performed for a few minutes in the middle of the show. I believe Red Skelton used the June Taylor Dancers and I believe it was either Bob Newhart or Tim Conway had the child dancers. They were very good to be so young and I would like to know the name of the troupe and which variety show it was.

Does lack of sleep cause blurred vision?

Lately I've been going to bed at about 5 am and waking up at 11 am && I noticed the other day that my left eye is a little blurry? I used to have good eyesight.

How do you cancel a vacation?

me and my family are going to north conway and i really don't want to go and my parents are making me go, but do you have any ways to cancel or get out of vacation

Did Conway twitty carry Loretta Lynn off stage?

I just got done watching the movie and my mom said that the husband doesn't carry her off the stage like in the movie. Conway twitty does? Is this true? And if so, is there a video of it?

What Medical Condition is this?

A few days ago when I was walking down the stairs, my pulse sped up and I couldn't see, because there were blackish spots in my eyesight.

What's wrong with me?

I feel like I'm going crazy and don't know if I've got OCD or just anxiety or even both. I get so worked up and worry what everyone is thinking about me all the time and when there's stress in my job I feel like I can't breathe and the only way through it is to cut myself. I used to be a cutter when I was 14/15 but got therapy for a few months and stopped cutting until last year after I turned 20. Now I'm cutting on a more frequent basis because I feel like I'm not good enough and can't control these negative thoughts in my mind all the time. I'm also not sure if I have OCD or not...whenever I go driving I get home and have to turn around and re-drive the same route over and over to make sure I made no mistakes on the way. If I make the smallest mistake I have to go back and re drive over where I made it as a way to make up for it. Like if I drive over the same route again it's going to be okay. Today it should have taken me 5 minutes to get home, instead it took me almost an hour because I kept redriving over and over where I had been the first time to make sure I hadn't slipped up. Whenever I lock the doors of the house I have to check them atleast 3 times and then I walk away and have to walk back and check just one more time. I turn my hair straigtener off and it plays on my mind until I've checked so much that it's the point where I unplug it and then have to physically touch the plug to make sure I'm not just imagining that it is unplugged. With my car you can see the lights are off from the outside of the car but I always have to actually get back into my car and touch the settings to make sure for real that they are off, not just by looking at them. I have to have my magazines and books absolutely flat and in a particular order all the time, I can't stand it when someone slightly bends the cover of something or rearranges them....Ahh what is wrong with me?

Is anyone else annoyed by conway twitty in family guy?

I think they need to spot showing him.....they only show him because seth probably cant think of anything to write

Currently, active duty MP. Question about becoming county Cop/sheriff?

Ive been active duty as an MP since may 2008. Im quickly approaching the time when i need to decide whether to reenlist or start a new career path. My current HOR is Frankfort, Ohio (Ross County). What steps do I need to start taking if I want to approach the civilian law enforcement route? Its to my understanding that the schooling for civilian law enforcement is shortened do to my MP background. I dont care either way, but Im looking for information as to what i need to do now to jumpstart my career. Thank you everyone!

Question about glasses?

I got glasses like a few days ago and my eye doctor told me I don't have to wear them all the time, however I have been wearing them all the time. Today, I noticed that when I took them off everything wasn't like it used to be. Like, I don't remember everything being so blurry. Is it possible that by wearing my glasses all the time, my eyesight could've gotten worse than before (meaning , my eyesight without glasses), or am I just worrying?? Please help, thanks!

Do contacts help maintain your vision?

I'm thinking of getting contacts, I'm 14. My eyes are really bad and I don't want them to get worse. I've tried contacts before and they felt so uncomfortable. Anyway, can contacts help your vision remain steady? I know it can't improve your vision but can it worsen your eyesight?

If I enlisted in the Army at 17, how long would it take for me to be able to apply for SFAS?

I've been figuring it would be a better idea to enlist in the Army at 17 to gain some experience as a Soldier before I'm able to apply for SFAS instead of going the 18x route and waiting three years until I'm 20 to enlist. So, if I enlist at 17 when would I be able to apply for SFAS? Is going this way better than to go the 18x route? Thank you

Are there any cheap passenger prices on the Britany Ferries Portsmouth to Santander service?

When P&O ran this route(Portsmouth to Bilbao) they used to offer mini-cruises to foot passangers at very good prices. A great opportunity to see the wildlife in the Bay of Biscay

Why do I love not being sober? Is there something wrong with me?

I used to abuse prescription pills and alcohol but now I go the natural route with herbs ( I don't think weed is natural because it's too ******* strong for me ) but anyway i love to try different herbs and study there effects on my there somethig wrong with me?

Can i have an abortion 6 weeks after giving birth?

i am a mother of four children with my youngest born 6 weeks ago, i would like to know when is the earliest you can have abortion, i am due for a 6 weeks check up and going down the route of being sterlised but i am worried that i would get pregnant before hand , does anyone know how early after having a baby.

Wild fires in Glynn county,GA?

I live in Glynn county in Georgia. The wild fires are just a county over in Brantly county. The wild fires are in Wayne, Peirce and Brantly county, covering 225,000 acres. There arn't any wild fires in Glynn, but I live in Brunswick and the smoke is really bad. I can smell it inside my house. I can barley see a thing over 30-35 ft in eyesight. Do you think there will be a spread of the fire into Glynn?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Eyesight must be surgically untreated?

Applying for the army and it says eyesight must be surgically untreated does this mean laser eye surgery is not allowed.

What is the world coming to...?

You are partly correct that people have lost their sense of humanity. But it is not exactly correct because many persons like you and me suffer severe agonies when they hear such news. You have asked this question this fact itself shows that the news made you restless. I was also deeply shocked when I heard the news. Such incidences are happening mainly because our judicial system is very defective, lingering and even corrupt. The criminals have no fear of law and courts. Our judiciary is sensitive only about the human rights of criminals (who are actually not humans). So firstly Improvement in our judicial system is necessary to prevent such incidences. There are sufficient legal provisions to punish the criminals but their execution is very poor.

Utah to Georgia, best route?

I am driving from Utah to Georgia. I will be driving a '92 Ford F350 dually and pulling a Ford Focus on a car dolly. What is the best route? I70 through Colorado will be the hardest on the truck, so I don't think I want to go that way. I am torn between I80 through Wyoming and down through southern Utah, Southern Colorado and through New Mexico. Once you get past the rockies there are less mountains, but is the northern or southern route easier. My main concern is going easy on the truck. I am simply concerned that pulling the car up and down mountains will be hard on the tranny. Any recommendations? Let me know what you think.

Is there anyway to improve your eyesight to 20/20 without glasses?

Over the past few years my eyesight has gone from 20/20 to 20/40 probably from being on the computer too much, and I've read that there are ways to improve you vision naturally and was wondering if anyone had any experience with or knew anything about this.

How do you get a record deal? I don't understand how it works.?

i want 2 work wit conway recording studios so will i need 2 just walk in wit my agent & giv em my demo cd & b lyke: here u go, i recorded this on an 8 trak recorder if u lyke it can i start recordin sum songs here and put em on itunes? how does that all work?! plz explain & giv examplz if possibl!!!

How can i become a better halfback?

I'm 12 and entering my 1st year of playing football bc i never used to want to play. I have great speed. I'm also able to cut,follow my routes, and i'm great at knowing where to run. I need some tips on how i can become better and probably become starting halfback

Am moving to Arkansas in mid January, looking for good Trucking Co. anyone have an opinion on who is best?

Got an apartment in Conway so Little Rock area would be fairly close. Like to hear from Cal Ark people, Maverick people, and Oakley people.

How can I move to germany?

My boyfriend moved to america from germany when he was 12 and now he wants to go back and I want to go with him. Is a german citizen always a german citizen? What is the easiest route for me to move there with him? I know that you must have a reason such as work or school but is there any way easier?

My left eye hurts when i blink.?

out of no where 2 days ago my left eye started to hurt. i thought it was no big deal, but its actually distracting me now. my eyelid looks swollen and it hurts to touch. my eye is not red, and my eyesight is still fine. it also hurts to blink. i dont know what is wrong but it is starting to really hurt. i dont think its bad enough to go to a doctor because they wont do anything.

Will I go blind?!? Please answer?

I am 16 and my eyesight is really bad! Worst then my nans,they are just bad. Will I be blind by the time I am 30? Since my eyes are already bad :-(

How old do you have to be to be able to work at Conway in Philadelphia?

I'm 14 years old, 15 in September and I wanna get a job somewhere so I wont have to mooch off my parents. Could I work at Conway?

Pre-eclampsia question (sorry bout bad spelling)?

I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I had a really good pregnancy up until now. My stomach feels so tight like it can't get any bigger or ill explode, I've had this pain on the right hand side under my ribs and my left leg is in constant dull pain! my hands are swollen and I'm nauseated (which hasn't happened at all during my pregnancy until now) and I've read that these could all be signs of pre-eclampsia. Other symptoms are protein in urine (which I'm going to doc today so ill give a sample) and blurred vision which I can't tell if my vision is blurred because I have really bad eyesight anyway! Also a decrease in urine output which I used to go constantly and now I go maybe 3 times a day at most. I'm wondering if anyone here has ever had pre-eclampsia? What symptoms did you have? What happened when you found out you had it? Thanks!

I'm 14 and 8 months years old...where can i work?

don't say anything like babysitting...i mean i real paycheck job. Also i live in Conway SC so i need somewhere local. Thanks

FAMILY GUY-does anyone else hate it when?/?

I hate the blood and all. But I kind of find it amusing. I loved the episode when they're fighting and then they're all 'what were we fighting about? Let's have dinner.'

Martial Arts Schools in Conway, South Carolina?

So I am moving to Conway, South Carolina, and am looking for a Martial Arts School that has Muay Thai, and Karate. I want a school that has a belt system for Muay Thai, as well as Karate. My school where I live now has a belt system, and I am already an Orange Belt. If anyone knows a Martial Arts school that fits this description let me know !!!!!!!!!!!!

Psychology survey? For my class? Please answer?

Male, 18, Cool, Monsoon, Both, Mint, Whatever I want to, Same route (Less getting lost), Action, Late preferred, My own, Same.

I need contacts: which type to get?

I've been weating contacts for about two years now. I use a cheap disposable brand and theyre monthly (i put them in in the morning and take them out at night still, but use the same pair for about a month). I must wear monthly because it's impossible to make my prescription in daily (ive been wearing glasses sicne i was 3 and have the worst vision ever!). You can check with your eye doctor and ask them, too. Brand names include: Acuvue Oasys, Freshlook, O2 Optix, Focus Dailies, Biomedics, and Soflens, etc. Hope this helped!

Help with glasses/contacts?

so about a week agp i left my glasses at a hotel. and i JUST now ran out of my last pair of contacts so i am without anything. My eyesight is a 4.2 so its really not safe to drive or anything. i ordered a few boxes of contacts but they wont come in till about thurs or mon. is there anyway i could go get a backup pair of glasses within a day? like at walmart or something. or will i have to wait a week for them to put the prescription in and everything?

Why didn't Baez just say Casey covered up the drowning?

Very good point. From a standpoint of not really following the trial, it seems that the defense is at a cross between the drowning defense and trying to convince that Casey is completely innocent.

What's the fastest route from the Woodbury McDonalds to the Stillwater McDonalds?

I just got transferred and I drive a 2000 Ford Explorer and the drive is not short. Answers will definitely be considered

I always get ill the same way! whats going on,plzzz answer? 10 points?

Whenever I feel I'm getting ill my eyesight goes blurry and then like 10 mins later I get a bad headache and feel ill, I don't get why? I just played football for a couple of hours, in just a football shirt obviously and it happened at the end of it, the weather was nice and cool so I don't get how I became ill.

Life tech plc job offer?

I got the exact same email this morning. I tried looking up Life Tech PLC and they didn't have a website or anything. Thanks to you I came across your post. You are a life saver!!!

Really scared about my eyesight. What could it be?

Ok im 15 and for the past year my eyesight has gotten so much worse. I am becoming very nearsighted and im afraid im going blind. Also, almost all lights have halos around them and my eyes are sensative to the sun. Am i going blind? PLEASE HELP

What place lets 14 year olds work?

and i dont mean like newspapaer route, lemonade stand, dog walker or things like that, i mean like a real job. I live in federal way and idk where i can work because i need money and want to work this summer, any suggestions?(:

Does Taylor Swift really write all her songs?

yes, she started writing songs at age 11... her first song is lucky you its really goo! you should look it up but her first recorded son is Tim Mcgraw also great song!!

Eyesight help? please?! im depserate!!!!?

ugh! i hate having glasses! i wear makeup, but my glasses ruin it. in pictures, all u see of me is the glare from my glasses. theyre such turn off! i try to go with out, but its too hard, i need them. so basically what im trying to ask is should i get contacts? i went to the doctor all ready to ask for contacts. the doctor said yes, i could get contacts, but then she started goin on about all the things that could go wrong and the dangers of contacts. so now im like scared to get them. should i stay with my horrible annoying glasses or suck it up and get contacts??? thanks!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How can i get a paper route?

In merced i mean do i go to the library or where cause i really wanna raise some money and i have noclue where to start.

What are some good routes to take for a cross country trip around the U.S.?

I want to do a cross country road trip in high school, for an extra curricular project. im home schooled online, so i can still study. I am leaving from Minnesota. The people going will either be just myself, or me and my mom. Or possibly a friend. Well anyway, I want to stop at Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, & Wyoming.Just thought I'd let you know tht. Idk what else you need to know, so I hope what I gave you helps.

Can anybody explain this Reiki effect?

Ever since I did a level 1 course about 12 years ago, I've been blowing street lights as I drive under them. I blow about 1 in 6 and it always happens when my mind is elsewhere. If I think about it, they never blow. I haven't been able to cure my chronic pain or my wife's eyesight using Reiki but I've been blowing lights ever since the course. Wild birds occasionally land on me for no apparent reason too.

Will I Be Able to wear Contact Lenses?

probably, your friends contact lenses might stick out more if they are colored or dont fit their eye correctly

Is this normal? please help ?

when I stand up my eye sight blacks out and I am blind for 5 to 10 seconds and feel very dizzy and often need to sit down quickly or I fall over. During my peroid I feel very flushed and fall over and fell like fainting and my eyesight goes

Any country songs I can add on my iPod?

Tim Mcgraw, Alan Jackson. Johnny Cash, Patty Loveless, Reba, Trisha Yearwood, George Strait. Joe Diffie, Toby Keith, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and the list goes on.

Im a fourteen year old boy. ami weird?

i just need to know. i have no touch with modern music like my friends. all i listen to is the statler brothers, oak ridge boys, conway twitty, styx, journey, toby keith, and elvis. i just like the old songs and country and gospel. am i weird?

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

I've always been a worrier, for as long as I can remember but now I'm wondering if it's starting to get out of control. I worry what people think all the time and I always assume they think the worse of me. When I lock the doors at night in my house I have to do the rounds of the doors over 3 times checking that i did actually lock them. Usually I check 3 times then go upstairs to bed and it plays on my mind so I go back downstairs to check AGAIN...When I drive I re drive my route over and over making sure I haven't knocked someone off their bike or anything (even though I would know if I had hit someone). Sometimes I get home and I drive around the block over and over again to make sure I haven't hit anything...I've just started obsessing over car doors and worrying that I haven;'t shut it properly. If I was in someone elses' car I always check the door is shut properly after I closed it but then usually I get home and end up texting my friends and asking them to check if I did actually shut the door properly (even though I checked it myself). I check my hair straightener is off all the time because I'm so scared I'll burn the house down. I don't just check it once, I stand there in the bathroom staring at it making sure its off and then leave and have to go back in to check again and sometimes it's to the point where I have to make sure it's unplugged and I have to actually touch the plug with my hands to make sure I'm not just imagining that it is NOT plugged in...also with cars I get paranoid I've left my lights on...even though you can see from the outside if they are off, I always have to get back into the car to check the settings are correctly on 'Lights off'! Ahhh does this sound like OCD to you??

Im looking to buy a laptop does anyone have one for cheap?

im wanting to buy another laptop, i live in conway arkansas. does anyone have one for cheap that they want to sell? please contact me!!

For how long is it safe for an infant to be "handbagged" in lieu of a life support machine?

One of my children was handbagged by ER staff and EMS Ambulance personnel for nearly two hours, and I'm just wondering if I should worry about brain damage from gaps in oxygen delivery???? The ER we went to didn't have a life support machine for infants, so they had to call another hospital to come get him as they were better equipped to deal with his needs. When the Ambulance arrived I found out he would be manually handbagged yet again en route to the other hospital. I looked on the net and can't find anything about a time limit on the safe use of the manual apparatus. If anyone knows, please answer, or maybe someone can direct me to a site with that information, as I can't seem to find it... Thanks!

How do i fix this problem with my router?

My router used to always work for my other computer i have, and just today it stoped gaining access to the verizon router on this computer, iv tryed turning off both computers firewalls but still nothing works. Iv clicked the -fix route- button so many times lmao, but that doesnt work either. Any way any of you guys or girls can think of a way to fix this? thanks :P <3

What is the best route to visit every MLB Stadium?

I'm planning a trip for the 2012 MLB Season, to visit every MLB Stadium (it's been my lifelong dream) by automobile. I am willing to start at any ballpark, and although I've been to Citi Field and Rogers Centre before, I don't mind going again. I was thinking starting in Miami, going to Tampa, then Atlanta, Then DC and Baltimore, Philadelphia, Citi Field, Yankees Stadium, Fenway, then go to Rogers Centre, then around to Comerica and so on. Does this sound like a good plan?

How to upload a google map to my phone (Nokia X3,no GPS)?

There is a route I want to save on my phone.It's made with Google Maps.I want to view it as an image,because I don't have GPS and Internet connection to Google maps would be too slow and very expensive.It's quite a big area and I need details,so Print Screen + Paste is not going to work.I need to be able to zoom in and out.Basically,to be able to view the map offline.

Why is it that people say if you listen to Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood that you don't like country music?

Ok I like listening to Taylor and Carrie, but I also like country music. I've listen to it since I was a little girl. I like to listen to George Strait, Alan Jackson, Brooks & Dunn, Tim McGraw, & lots more artists. I even like the old country like Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Conway Twitty. I may not know alot of the old country because I was born in 1986 (most of you might know more of the old country than I do cause you're probably alot older than I am i'm guessing) so the country I know is George Strait, Alan Jackson, Brooks & Dunn & everyone else from the 1990's on up. Sorry for the really long question I just want to know thats all. Thanks. Have a good night.

Does anybody know a really good photographer in Central Arkansas?

I live around Conway Arkansas and I'm looking for a good photographer that has affordable prices. All of the ones I know are way too expensive

Will my tattoo cause me not to be accepted into the Marine Corps?

I have a tattoo on my back between my shoulder blades. It is a cross with the American flag in it. My recruiter said that I will get DQ'd for it. However, I looked up the regulation for those trying to join the Marine Corps and it said as long as it doesnt show in PT gear and isnt racist, sexist, gang affiliated, anit-religious, or anti-American than I will be fine. This was a article that came directly from General Conway, Commadant of the Marine Corps. Was my recruiter right, or is what I read correct? I also should add that Im not enlisting, rather than going to college and going through NROTC and becoming an officer.

Numb arm and tongue, werid speech.. ?

My cousin who's 15 had a werid experience the other day, she lives in italy and she was getting ready one morning when suddenly her eyesight became slightly blury and her arm began to numb up so she couldn't feel it, she was on the way to the doctors with her mum to bring her little sister and when she got to the doctors the numbness became worse and her it spread to her tounge. She said she had it her mind what she wanted to say howeverr somehow it wasn't coming our right and she was speaking a load of rubbish, the doc brought her in immidieatly and gave her some sort of head scan which came out fine and then sent her to the hospital..tonight she can't sleep at all for some brain scan at the hospital the next day. This is the second time this has ever happend and she's VERY scared. What could it be?! :S

Is there a bus from Borehamwood to the Hemel Hempstead leisure centre?

I want to go to the Hemel Hempstead Leisure Centre from Borehamwood but I don't know any buses that go there. Are there any buses that go that route? If so, please could you tell me some. Thank you.

April vacation in New Hampshire?!?

My boyfriend and I are looking to take our April vacation in New Hampshire. We are two young adults who enjoy the high end feel of our city hotels, but want a scenic location that is perfect for walking around, taking photos, and just a great place to relax. So far we've been recommended to stay in the White Mountains and North Conway. Our budget is $100 a night. Can you recommend somewhere for us to stay that you think a young couple looking to relax would enjoy?

Investigation past history.?

How does someone in Ontario Canada investigate someones personal history.. Past relationships, Marriages, Employment,Litigations for and against, Financial situation ( debts ), Past Addresses.Property owned etc etc...I know due to privacy acts it is harder to do so than in the U.S..Would the best route to go is hire a PI.. The person I am intersted in lives in a city (Oakville) that is 4 hours from me so to do this myself could prove difficult

Where can we stop at on the route to VT to MN?? (we are not going in Canada)?

I leave Friday to go on a road trip to Minnesota from Vermont, my boyfriend is asking me if I would like to stop anywhere on the way? Are there any places I can go? Tourist destinations?

Someone close to me has gynecomastia is there any way to get rid of it?

Someone really close to me has this conditon, it hurts me because I want him to be able to hang out when we go to the pool. His " man boobs" aren't overly large, however he thinks their bigger than what they are. I feel soo sorry for him because it's embarrasing! Please any comments, suggestions? We dont want to take the route of cosmetic surgery, something natural please( : Thankss!

What choice would you chose for your education? Best education or cheapest?

When it comes to your education for your future career in something your not totally sure about but you think you will like more than dislike would you go for the education route that's cheaper and would allow you to do other things as well if it turns out to be a disappointment or would you go for the best education route where you would get trained better even though it would cost more?

How bad is my eyesight? Anyway to improve it?

Hi I am a -3.00 for Both eyes! I am nearsighted and 15 years old! Is it bad for a person my age and is there anything I can do to improve it? Please help me! I like can't see nothing wothout my glasses!

I want to be a CRNA, but the undergrad college I'm going to doesn't offer a BSN program, help!?

For a while I've wanted to go to medical school so when I chose the school I wanted to go to, I chose one with a good pre-med program, but now, I think that I want to become a nurse anesthetist and the easiest route to go is to get a BSN, but my school doesn't offer any kind of nursing program. Does anyone know what I should do?

Who gets booed by the crowd more: Sheamus or CM Punk?

It's obvious Sheamus does. Cm Punk fans are just being biased because they like Punk. Sheamus doesn't even have to a say a word and automatically gets booed.

How long and what train would i need to get to travel form lichfield city centre to the NEC in birmingham?

in September me and a few of my mates are going to go to the gamefest at the nec in Birmingham and was just wondering about travel and how accessible it is please reply with quick and easy routes

UK regulations around ventilation in the workplace?

You and your staff withdraw your labour until the problem is fixed - if you don't have confidence to actually strike, then you all go sick on the same day.

How do I get to Poenari Castle from Bucharest by train?

I want to see the real Dracula's Castle. I will not have a car and will be traveling everywhere by train or bus. If you have any information on how to get there please share. And if theres a site with a map of the train route that you know of please please please let me know!

Should I go to my regular doctor or a optometrist/ophthalmologist?

So lately I noticed that my eyesight is blurry. I covered my right eye and my left eye is fine. But, when I cover my left eye my right eye can only see up close, and far away objects are blurry. I recently noticed this, and it really bothers me. My mom is convinced that I should wait for my annual check up and they will recommend me. What should I do/ tell her?

I don't want an engagement ring?

You can always simply look them in the eye when they ask and say we are going a non traditional route and putting the money towards something we will both enjoy and remember...... the wedding. then simply ignore any more prying into the subject.

Did anyone like Rob Conways Just look at me Con man gimmick?

the one that he looked like buff bagwell and got all muscular, i admit that back then i didnt like it but now the wwe could use him again with that gimmick, he has the perfect in ring abilty and mic skills to go along with it, what do you guys think? he's cocky in that gimmick

A girl I truly love, I want her back... Please help me?

There is a girl I truly love, and we were best friends for a long time. Then she finally asked me out after she broke up with her ex. Our first "date" was at a mall, we had dinner, and played in the arcade, and had a wonderful time. When we went back to the car, we cuddled for a long time, and she just kept trying to help me "get some guts" to kiss her. I was shaking a lot, since she was my first girl, and when I kissed her, it was like magic. And on top of that she bit my neck, and I mean OW! Then, after being so high from the kiss, I bit her back when I got home, and she loved it. But the next day, she became unsure of our relationship, apparently she didn't feel a "spark" when we kissed. Then a few days later, we went to see a movie, and we cuddled through the whole thing. She even admitted she wanted to have sex, and she has done it before, but I haven't, so we didn't. We both had a great time at the movie, but the next day she was unsure again, and kept mentioning another guy. One day things would be fine, the next day she had doubts. One night we poured our hearts out to each other and cried, and she actually told me she loves me, and I said it back. After that when we hung up I dropped the phone and collapsed crying. Then, she told me she needed time to think, and at the end of that weekend, she was going out with the guy she was talking about, saying he is a dream come true and knows more about her than she does herself. And I'm truly happy for her, but I know I love her more than he ever will. I would die for her. She played head games with me for a week, after that kiss, and then she leaves me for him. Every time someone would ask if we were dating she would say "kind of," because she didnt want to broadast it. I want her back so bad, just a chance to prove I'd do more for her than any guy would. She's got me listening to music I never would have listened to, like Conway Twitty, Journey, AND I"M A ROCK N ROLL MAN! Iv'e been listening to Every Rose has its Thorn by Poison, and Patience by Guns N Roses, because I want her so bad, and I express it through music. We are still friends, but I love her too much to let her go, but she apparently loves me, but isnt IN love with me. That damn spark thing she kept mentioning is getting to me. I don't know if this will help, but to some people it seems important. She's an aquarius and I am a Libra. I'm a calm cool and relaxed guy, but she is what she likes to call a "party girl." I want her more than anything in the world, and I want her back more than anything in the world. What in the world can I do, and should I do, if I want her back, and love her, to prove it, and to have her heart. I believe in hope and willpower, and thats all I need in a relationship with her, as long as we love each other, we can work. I'm "Mr. Brightside," just like the song, I get attached fast and, well, use google to look up the lyric meaning, at lyric interpertations or something. I need her, I love her, even though she hurt me, I still believe we can work. What can I do? Please help this "great guy" who is in love and can't let her go.

Where can I get a panda stuffed animal ?

I'm in GA this question was posted in Atlanta local business but I'm guessing that the same type stores there as here would sell stuffed animals. See if there is a Toys R Us near you they have a big variety. Check Wall Mart and that type store too. You can call Toys R Us and other toy stores and ask them so you don't have to go all over looking

Friday, July 15, 2011

Route for hollywood cole drivers test?

Anyone know the route for the drivers test in hollywood? the cole dmv, not west hollywood. thanks so much!

Glasses help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Anime expo on friday!! Problem tho! My character doesn't have glasses and I'm so blind!!! I have awful eyesight!! What should I do!!!! I can't see but I wanna be in character!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!

She Say's She Dosent know how She feels about me?

Take time - man up - stand on your feet - be self sufficient -then proceed to promote; A Girl wants you to be her hero.

Good Old Country Songs (:?

i love the songs amazed by lonestar, luckenbach texas by waylon jennings, anything by kenny rogers george jones (he stopped loving her today), george strait, conway twitty etc. any good old country songs by them or other legends? thankss :)

What song did conway twitty sing on family guy?

Every time I saw the Hee Haw clips on Family Guy they had him singing Hello Darling. Apparently they've also shown him singing 'I see the want to in your eyes', but I didn't see that episode.



Writers rumors test and BQ's?

1: yes 2:no 3:no 4:no 5:no 6:depends 7:yes 8:yes 9:no 10:no 11:depends BQ:ok i guess BQ 2:character BQ5:i wouldn't survive

Can you up date a nissan note sat nav? And how ?

We have a Nissan Note and the sat nav needs up dating because of all the routes that have been changed. We seriously need to up date it, our dealer quoted �125!!!

Where can i find a Summer or daily job?

I'm 14 and ill be 15 in 3 month's. Where can i get a job in Conway SC or in the surrounding area? Please don't say that i cant work at my age because i can.Thank you

What is the best airline to fly from North America return to Thailand with?

A friend and I are flying from Vancouver to Thailand in late summer. we both hate flying and have had some brutal experiences flying across oceans with the wrong airline. Which airline is the best for this route for service and comfort?

What route should i go down to become a uk police sniper?

You will have to be an ordinary policeman for at least 3 years before you can apply to handle weapons.

How to improve eyesight?

Hi my wife is having eyesight problem and her number is -2.25 and she is 26 years old, how she can improve her sight please help me urgent.

Someone help me out is jeff conway dead?

Jess Conaway died last week - he died from years and years of wrecking himself with drugs and alcohol until finally his body just gave up. He went to sleep one night and never woke up again. He was in a coma for a few days and then he died. It's very sad - a good life totally wasted on drugs.

Can Pre-Op Transsexuals get married?

Your marriage will be valid anywhere before and after surgery. Don't worry too much on it, and I hope the best for your marriage!

Which sunglasses should i get? Ray-bans or Toms?

The Ray Ban Wayfarer I found at here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a only $ 72.4 with free shipping .

How can I go active duty army from army reserves?

I'm a 12n in the army reserves. I currently am a specialist on my 2nd year of duty. I am having too many financial problems do to hour cuts on my civilian job and all I want is to go active duty I honestly couldn't care less what mos I get. Every time I ask my unit liaison bout it he just says there's no active slots available which I find to be bull ****. I just wanna know if there's alternate routes to go active?

Transfer itunes from my pc to my labtop?

I want to transfer my entire itunes library from my windows pc to my new macbook pro. Is the best route to take putting all my songs on an external hard drive I own, then moving them to my labtop? My only question is all my songs are from frostwire, so, will this even work if I don't have frostwire on my labtop?

Can i make my eyesight better?

im 15 and i have pretty bad eyesight, but is there some type of food that would help make it a bit better, since im still growing and everything?

Please answer! Funny feeling when lying on stomach!?

When I lie on my front I get this weird kinda dizzy feeling like my head feels pressured and my eyesight goes funny. Why do you think this happens? <3

The best way from sandwich in kent to bishopstortford?

going from sandwich to bishopstortford is the best way by train or bus and is it a straight route through or do i need to change anywhere

Could anybody tell me what my dreams means?

well, I broke up with my bf in real life because I thought he ignored me and then was rude about it... and he used to seem like the kind of person I was looking for almost... but i've had a dream that he got me some valentine candy...but more then just one box... and each box looked different... and my mom was in the dream and I told her to go down in the basement and tell him that I want him back... because in real life I kind of think that was a mistake breaking up with him... but anyway, she did. and I kind of forget what she said he said... but also some store, I think conway is where he baught the candy, I forget how many boxes... But I know more then one. and one had hearts on them, some had blue on them... I don't know if there was 14 or less or more boxes, I didn't really count them, I don't remember if I did... but anyway, what does my dream mean or what could it be telling me? i'd give more details if I had to, because he used to say he loved me in real life. but what could my dream mean or what could it be telling me?

Help.....going to have to move to south carolina ( aka hicksville)..i dress so going to get shot?

shot or killed. bi in this screwed up small hick town and and i dress goth ( im a boy) and so i always got crap and stuff and im finally going to be able to move but the house my parents are looking at is 1 state over ( south carolina) which is no diffrent then north carolina........its like its twin brother and the house is in a small hick church filled town as well its call conway ( look it up,conway SC) and in another roual area even though my mom said she would try to find us a bigger open minded city ( personly i prefew out of the south because the culture is all about god so they think if your not like them your evil which is stupid) .......i just dont know what to do anymore she even thinks conway is big.....they are defintley the southern type of people...evreythings GIGANTIC to them because their hometown takes like 5 freaking seconds to walk trough............ any advice? should i talk to her about this or what? because i know shes trying to help and cares its just my dad who's all redneck and picks on how i dress and stuff and never really suported not dealing with the south im 17 so i guess i will have to hurry up and work on getting a job because im not going to deal with any more southern people dont say anything else or im bringing the question down im not in the mood. i never really gotten the normal life in places thats not in backwoods southern hick towns...........i never realy did and it breaks my heart to be honest.

Why are union gangstas now sending threats to WI businesses who support Governor Walker? Freedom?

Get your facts straight pal, the only Gangsters,or Thugs are the right wing and corporations owned by the Koch brothers,go learn what freedom Commie,and fascisim means while you are at it.

Help please!!! I am trying to ev train my pokemon in pokemon white but it isnt working?

I want to higher my pokemons attack stats so i went to route one to fight patrat / lillipup becuase they give you +1 attack ev. I know that to gain one attack point stat you need to beat four of them. And so i beat four of them but nothing happens. I really want to figure out how to do this so i can ev train all of my pokemon. Anyones help is greatly appreciated.

If you fall asleep with your contacts on?

probably, i mean when i got my contacts they told me not to sleep with them in, and they gave me a pamphlet with pictures of what happened to peoples eyes because they didnt take their contacts out to sleep. not to sound bitchy, but just wash your hands and take them out. it litterally takes five seconds and it'll save you problems with your eyes in the future. i understand sometimes you'll forget, but try to always take them out.

Have people lost their sense of humanity...........?

The world is not coming to anything people have no less humility today than yester years it's just now we hear about these atrocities I assure you the idea of "golden years" where things like this never happened is just nostalgia misplaced imagined past. What happened to that poor child is horrendous appalling and wrong but the event is not s product of the time we live in it's product of bad people/children which there has always been

How come I see green rays at night?

When it is pitch black sometimes i just see these green i cant even explain it. picture a sonar radar in a submarine.. its like that. i googled this but cant find it anywhere and idk what it is.. Its like a green up and down curved bar that moves from the right side of my eyesight to the left in the dark and green circles pop up and stuff. I'm being serious. The only thing I found on google was other stuff..

How does half an acre of land cost in conway south carolina?

Why do people keep asking this type of question. NO ONE can answer your question. What you are asking is like how much does a 4 door car cost in conway south carolina. There is too many variables, like location, access, is there sewer, power, gas in the street, what is the zoning, god the list goes on and on.

What does Conway consider to be a "positive" complex number?

In "Book of Numbers" he says 2 + i and 2 – i are both "positive". But shouldn't both the real and imaginary part be positive?

Buying bike from USA to India?

Yamaha is NOT a bicycle. Ask again over in the MOTORCYCLE section. Not the cycling section - as in bicycles.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why are the liberal union thugzzz now threatening businesses in the state of WI?

Because they are just that thugs, and they are following in the traditions that Unions have upheld since their formation, that being; violence and threats of violence

Ok my hear is about to drop and im about to have a panic attack.nervous break down now........?

im in this screwed up small hick town and and i dress goth ( im a boy) and so i always got crap and stuff and im finally going to be able to move but the house my parents are looking at is 1 state over ( south carolina) which is no diffrent then north carolina........its like its twin brother and the house is in a small hick church filled town as well its call conway ( look it up,conway SC) and in another roual area even though my mom said she would try to find us a bigger open minded city ( personly i prefew out of the south because the culture is all about god so they think if your not like them your evil which is stupid) .......i just dont know what to do anymore she even thinks conway is big.....they are defintley the southern type of people...evreythings GIGANTIC to them because their hometown takes like 5 freaking seconds to walk trough............ any advice? should i talk to her about this or what? because i know shes trying to help and cares its just my dad who's all redneck and picks on how i dress and stuff and never really suported not dealing with the south im 17 so i guess i will have to hurry up and work on getting a job because im not going to deal with any more southern people dont say anything else or im bringing the question down im not in the mood. i never really gotten the normal life in places thats not in backwoods southern hick towns...........i never realy did and it breaks my heart to be honest.

Do I need glasses or is this normal?

I'm a 17 year old male and sometimes I have these strange eye troubles. First off, when im not focusing on anything, everything up close I see double. Second, im able to make my eyesight go in and out of focus at will (kinda feels like flexing a muscle), but after awhile my eyes hurt from doing it. Third I have trouble focusing while reading with both eyes open, so I normally read with just my right or rarely my left eye. Lastly, I seem to have better vision in my left eye then my right. Does this mean I need glasses, or is this normal?

Where can I access 50-60 gal. food grade plastic barrels?

I live in Conway, Arkansas and I am wanting to make a few rain barrels. I am having a hard time finding them in and around my home town. I am not looking to spend a lot. Thank you and GOD Bless.

Colored Contacts: general questions?

It's awesome that you are thinking about the health of your eyes! Kudos! The first think you need to do is get an appointment with your eye doctor. Colored contacts are just like regular contacts-- if they don't fit properly and if you don't have proper education how to take care of them, they can be very dangerous to your eyesight. If you don't want better vision, that's fine, you can get them in what is called "plano" prescription. Contacts do wear out, so you will have to get a new pair every 3 months-- this is because they build up debris and bacteria over the course of wearing. Changing the contacts when you're supposed to decreases your risk of getting serious sight threatening infections. You can wear whatever color contacts you want. Depending on the type of colored contacts you want, the price range can be all over the place. You can get a box of 6 lenses for $80, or you could spend up to $250 on one pair if it is a designer type.

Anyone willing to trade an Eevee egg on Pokemon Black?

Okay, I really want an Eevee egg, can someone breed an Eeveelution with a Ditto? I'll be glad to give you my friend code if you need it. Name:Winter Friend code:3224 6889 7151. We can trade eggs, I'll be glad to give you any egg, just tell me which route you can get it and I'll breed them in the Daycare, I mean, it's not that hard to get Eevee eggs, right? I'll be glad to meet you in the Union Room...I can breed Zorua's, I just only have a female, I'm trying to offer something for a if you want a Zorua'll just have to wait until someone trades me...I'll give you a Sewaddle, Patrat, Lillipup, Munna, Sawk, and Pidove eggs, I'll be glad one to give you one. I'm willing to offer any Pokemon I have.